PROJECT BUSINESS CASE; What is the Minimum Content?

By JB Nartey · Jul 3, 2020
PROJECT BUSINESS CASE; What is the Minimum Content? picture

Project Context/Background- Which organizational strategic goals & priorities does this project support?  

Project Objectives- What do we intend to achieve at the end of the project?. S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

Project Environmental Scan –SWOT/Trend Analysis- Internal/External

Project Tactics/Approach or Plan of Actions to achieve the project objectives

Project Outcomes/Benefits,

•Financial Benefits- Cost Savings, Better Customer Service, Better market penetration, Improved profits (Cash flows, ROI/NPV/Payback)

•Socio-Economic Benefits- Job Creation, Improved standard of living etc.

•Legal/Compliance Benefits - Compulsory( Regulatory/Organisation Compliance)

•Institutional/ Enabling/Enhancement Benefits- Enhance other projects or operations

•Technological Benefits

•Market Benefits

•Environmental Benefits

•Political Benefits

Project Success Metrics(KPIs)

•How will these benefits/outcomes be measured( Success Metrics/KPIs)

•What is the Current and Targeted Success Metrics? 

Project Assumption Metrics

Must Exist Pre-Conditions that will trigger the project outcomes listed above 

Project Inputs Needed

•Who will be responsible for the project outcomes 

•Time Scale- High level - Outcomes/Benefits timing(when),

•Resources Needed

•Cost Budget-( Ball park/high level)


WhatsApp the PM GURU  +1 317 629 3820  if you want to know more about this topic 

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