30 mins on-line mentorship in project and construction contract management

•This is a program that seeks to provide on-line help/assist or mentorship to project managers,construction contract managers,engineers,architects,contractors.students,interns and other construction industry practitioners to manage their construction projects and construction contracts effectively through flexible problem-solving short one-on-one online lessons in basic project management and contract management(GCC/JBCC Contract Administration) 

•The program begins with describing in detail the day to day pain or teething problem that you are currency facing at work or school as far as the management of your projects are concerned and the lessons are tailor made to address those stated problems of yours.Opportunity to freely  join/subscribe  to my facebook professional group platform,whatsapp professional platform,youtube channel where you gain access to recorded lecture videos, live cases and trends and gain access to expert knowledge via chats with seasoned experts on the platforms who can help you in your future challenges

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